Do I Need to Write a Will?


We never cease to be shocked by how many people don’t have a Will. Although more common among the younger generation, at Hook & Partners we regularly meet with more mature clients – even those enjoying their retirement – who have yet to make a Will to protect their assets and families.

All too often, we need to help grieving families who are left with the additional hardship of dealing with an estate, for which there is no Will, at an already difficult time. In some cases, a homemade Will may have been put in place that has not been properly prepared and, therefore has no legal validity.

Read more here on why it is necessary to contact a solicitor when writing your Will.

So Why Do I Need to Make a Will?

It is very important to make a Will, for the following reasons:

  1. If you do not write a Will, you cannot be sure that your property or assets will go where you intend after your death;
  2. If you have no relatives and you do not make a Will, your Estate may go to the Crown;
  3. Writing a Will helps those you have entrusted to carry out your wishes more easily;
  4. Any gift to a charity that you make in your Will is exempt from all Inheritance Tax.

Click here to jump straight to a special offer on our Will writing services across Castle Point.

What Do I Need to Consider When Writing a Will?

There are a number of points to take into account when making or changing your Will. Hook & Partners are here to help you make your Will as effective as possible and to prepare for making your Will, you may wish to:

  1. Make a list of your assets, property, investments, shares, trusts, jewellery, antiques, insurance policies and cash;
  2. Think about whom (people and organisations) you wish to benefit from your estate i.e. who are to be your beneficiaries;
  3. If there are minor children, select a suitable guardian or guardians;
  4. Choose one or more Executors who will carry out your wishes and administer your Estate. Hook & Partners would be happy to act as your Executors if you wish;
  5. Include any special wishes or conditions, including funeral arrangements;
  6. Consider making some provision for cash to be immediately available to your family as the legal process involved in winding up an Estate can sometimes be lengthy;
  7. Bear in mind that life and circumstances are ever-changing, and you should review your Will regularly – we recommend at least once every five years.

We can provide you with a questionnaire to help you with these tasks and also provide you with help and assistance wherever it is needed in the whole process.

Why Use Hook & Partners When Writing Your Will?

As winners of the ‘Mayor’s Award for Business Excellence 2017’, our friendly family-run firm has been serving the community of Canvey Island with legal advice for more than 40 years, earning the reputation as ‘the caring professionals’.

With over four decades of Will writing services, Hook & Partners Solicitors make sure that you get a bespoke, personal Will that perfectly conveys your intentions, no matter how complicated.

We also recognise that making a Will can be a sensitive, and sometimes stressful, experience if not handled correctly. We go out of our way to ensure it is as simple and comfortable as possible in its entirety for you. Home visits can be arranged for the elderly and infirm.

Special Offer on Will Writing Services in Castle Point

We currently have an opportunity for you to save money on your Wills AND support a local Parish. Hook & Partners Solicitors are currently supporting St. Nicholas Church on Canvey Island and will donate a proportion of any Will fee to the Church (at the discretion of the client).

If you make your Will with us at Hook & Partners at a specially reduced price of £150.00* including VAT for an individual Will (normal price £176.40), we will donate £25.00 to the Church on your behalf.

If you make Husband and Wife ‘Mirror’ Wills at the specially reduced price of £240.00* including VAT for both Wills (normal price £296.00), we will donate £40.00 to the Church on your behalf.

*These prices assume that the Will(s) will be straightforward. In the event that they are not, and additional complex drafting is required, you would be advised of any additional fees before you commit yourself and Hook & Partners will then make a pro rata donation to the church.

How Can I Take Advantage of This Offer?

For further details about our Will writing services, including our special offer, or for dedicated legal advice on future planning, call our Canvey-based offices on 01268 692255 and ask for Christina Corbett or Sacha Huckle.

Alternatively, email us at – don’t forget to mention the St. Nicholas Church Offer when calling.