It’s no surprise that the onset of the COVID-19 in Spring 2020 brought about an exponential increase in Brits making their wills. However, the volume of younger people seeking will writing services in Essex throughout 2020 is astonishing.
As the first lockdown occurred in April 2020, and people were forced to evaluate their lives and their future plans, demand for will writing surged. However, it wasn’t just the older generations and those categories of people who were deemed to be vulnerable or at-risk who were organising their affairs. Younger people too had plenty of time to consider their wishes and what their preferences would be if they passed away unexpectedly.
Figures published by Today’s Wills and Probate reveal the following increases in will writing across the generations, in comparison to 2019.
Looking at these stats, it’s clear that the youngest category of people, Gen Z who are born between 1997 and 2012 experienced the greatest increase. It’s safe to assume that the older the person, the higher the chance that they already had a will in place prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is why Baby Boomers born between 1946 and 1964 were least likely to seek out will writing services Essex solutions last year.
It’s interesting to note that some of the most popular days for people organising their final wishes coincided with incredibly significant days in the Pandemic’s timeline.
For example, the 6th April 2020 was the day when the most wills were written – this is the day that the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson was admitted to intensive care due to COVID-19 complications. Other popular days for will writing included the 30th September, which was the day following the announcement that global deaths from COVID had hit the 1 million mark. This was followed by the 30th November prior to the end of the second lockdown in the run-up to Christmas, which was one of the country’s lowest points in terms of the spread of the virus.
The need to social distance and stay quarantined, particularly for vulnerable people, has prompted certain changes in the way will writing has occurred. Online, video and even telephone wills have taken place, allowing people to fast-track their wishes and ensure that their partners, children and other loved ones are protected if the worst was to happen.
For those who have already had a will in place, the pandemic is a good chance to reassess if your wishes are still valid or if you would prefer to update them.
If you would like to update your will, or if you haven’t yet looked into wills and probate Essex services, then now is a great time to act. Please get in touch with our experienced will writing services Essex team at Hook & Partners today on 01268 510 075 or email today.